Wabeno Public Library Icon, 4 books alternating blue and orange stacked on top of eachother, with a final blue book spread open to give look of a tree

Wabeno Public Library

Todays Hours:

Books icon

Wabeno Public Library

Todays Hours:

Library Love Story

close up of book pages in the shape of a heart, decorative

Your Story

Though we house thousands of stories within our walls, the most important story of all is yours.

We want to hear from you about your experiences with our library, how we’ve impacted your life, and how we can server you better. Long or short, big or small, we want to hear it all!

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • What problem has your library helped you solve?
  • What have you been able to achieve with help from your library?
  • What makes the library stand out from others?
  • How does the library help your community?
  • …or anything else you love about the library!

Your name and contact information are optional, and are not required to submit your story.

We’ve made it easy! Use the online form below to tell us your story. We’ll do the rest. Your story will make a difference.

Share Your Story Here

Your story can be short or long. You can fill out the form multiple times. Click the button below to be sent to the form.